Dr. Sarmistha Majumdar


Interim Chair | Professor Political Science
Ph.D Rutgers University


Office: 713.313.7385



Greetings! I am happy and proud to announce that the Department of Political Science has grown in size and importance over the years. In an era where the influence of politics, policy, protests, catastrophes, and technology can be felt in every aspect of our lives, this department has seized the opportunity to offer a variety of programs to cater to the educational needs of students in a rapidly changing world and prepare them for a career in the public sector, research, and teaching. From an initial offering of a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.degree in Political Science, the department is now the home of several other undergraduate and graduate degree programs. At the undergraduate level, students can pursue a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Public Affairsor in Emergency Management and Homeland Security. While at the graduate level, students can take classes in our NASPAA Accredited Masterof Public Administration (MPA) or in the Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) programs. All courses in the aforementioned programs are taught by our renowned faculty who have received Grecognition in their fields of specialization and continue to inspire students to achieve their educational goals. In the Political Science Bachelorof Arts degree program (B.A.), students receive education on the framework of the United Statesand Texas government, constitution, executive, judicial, and legislative processes, party politics and race, international and comparative politics, policy making and other subject areas. The Bachelorof Science degree in Public Affairs (B.S.) provides students the opportunity to learn about the administrative aspects of the government. Courses are offered in public administration, budgeting, management of organizations, personnel administration, policy making and program evaluation, research methods and others. The Emergency Management and Homeland Security undergraduate degree program (B.S.) offers students the scope to learn not only about the legal and political aspects of emergency management but also how to prepare, plan, mitigate and respond to emergencies, hazards and disasters, along with domestic and global terrorism. The NASPAA Accredited MPA program offers courses that are essential to function as a public administrator. In this program, graduate students receive education from a wide variety of courses ranging from organizational theory to leadership, budgeting, human resources, and policy making to research and quantitative methods. While pursuing the MPA degree, students get the opportunity to conduct research and present at national and regional conferences, participate in workshops and competitive debates and intermingle and network with peers and professionals in various field of public administration. Similarly, the EMPA also offersa variety of courses in public administration. These courses are akin tothose offered in the MPA program, and are all offered online. Since the inception of the EMPA program, students from all over the State of Texas and the United States have benefited greatly from taking classes in public administration that either prepare them for a career in public service or in the advancement of career in the public or nonprofit sector. I invite you to explore the various programs offered by the Department of Political Science. If you find a program that is of interest to you and would like to know more about it, please contact us for more information.

Thank you. 

3100 Cleburne Street | Houston, Texas 77004 713-313-6849